Package net.sourceforge.bee

Class Summary
Bee Main class for BEE Editor for Pavlov.
BookEditor User interface for editing a book file.
ChapterEditor User interface for editing a chapter within a book.
ChapterTableModel A TableModel for displaying all the questions in a chapter.
InsertMultipleFrame Inserts multiple blank questions into the chapter being editied.
ListSelectionJTable I was suprised to see that you can't add ListSelectionListeners to JTables.
QuestionDruid A GUI widget that lets the user create many similar questions quickly.
QuestionIDComparator For sorting questions by ID.
QuestionRightAnswerComparator Compares two questions alphabetically by their correct answer text.
QuestionTextComparator Compares two questions alphabetically by their correct answer text.
TabDelimitedTransferHandler Allows a question to be transferred to system clipboard or another application as tab delimited text.
TableQuestionHandler Deprecated.  
UnicodeCharInputPanel Panel to input any Java unicode character.
VerificationTableCellRenderer A TableCellRenerer that sets its background to red if there is an error in a question, i.e.
WelcomeDialog Welcomes user and streamlines process of opening new or existing book.