Pavlov 1.1.2

net.sourceforge.pavlov.controllers Model-View-Controller implementations of Pavlov tasks.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.event Contains events, listener interfaces, and objects for transferring event objects amongst interested classes in a Pavlov application. The AbstractFeedbackPanel class will soon be moved to which will finally allow me to delete this package.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.library Contains classes which define questions and group them together into organizing constructs Chapter, Book, and Library.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.main This package contains the lion's share of the program logic required to make the Pavlov application run.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.pluglets A pluglet is defined as a small java.awt.applet-like program that implements a given interface (or subclasses a given class). Some classes for making it very easy to implement a feedback pluglet that utilizes a jChart. Some classes that make it very easy to write a pluglet that uses RandomMedia (see pavlov.randommedia) for feedback. The "RightWrong" concept is easy to understand, but I haven't come up with a good name for it.  
net.sourceforge.pavlov.pluglets.strategy This package defines the StrategyLoader class which loads question selection strategy pluglets.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.randommedia This package is used to programmatically retrieve media objects from filesystem directories and JAR files.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.startup Some classes for easily writing a nice, clean startup window for your favorite application.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.swing Swing-specific widgets of use to the Pavlov application.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.user Contains the User class, functionality for saving/reading user files, and various other classes which keep statistics on how a user has historically responded to questions.
net.sourceforge.pavlov.zipUtilities Utilities for working with Zip files and JAR files.
net.sourceforge.steelme A package that allows users to edit and/or load themes in any Swing application.