Package net.sourceforge.pavlov.randommedia

This package is used to programmatically retrieve media objects from filesystem directories and JAR files.


Interface Summary
CacheLoader An interface for classes that can provide CacheObjects to a Cache.
ContentLoader Describe interface ContentLoader here.
RandomURLProvider Implemented by a class that will provide random urls to a random media factory.

Class Summary
AbstractMediaDirectory A filesystem directory (with subdirectories and JAR files) full of media items.
AbstractRandomImageFactory Deprecated. Moved functionality down to RandomImageFactory
AbstractRandomMediaFactory This is a base class for random media factories.
CacheObject A (media) object that can be cached.
FileNameComparator A filesystem directory full of media items.
ImageCache Loads and holds a bunch of image files whose locations are specified relative to a fixed base URL.
ImageContentLoader Describe class ImageContentLoader here.
ImageIconUtilities Assorted utilities for ImageIcons.
MediaCache Loads and holds a bunch of audio files whose locations are specified relative to a fixed base URL.
MediaDirectoryManager Describe class MediaDirectoryManager here.
MediaLoader Describe class MediaLoader here.
RandomAudioFactory This is a base class for random media factories.
RandomImageFactory RandomImageFactory provides an interface for retrieving a random image from a filesystem directory tree.
RandomMediaDirectory A filesystem directory full of media items.
RandomMediaJarFile FIXME: Describe class.
RandomRightWrongAudioFactory FIXME: rewrite doc
SequencedMediaDirectory A filesystem directory full of media items which can be accessed in sequence.
SoundContentLoader Describe class SoundContentLoader here.
SoundList Loads and holds a bunch of audio files whose locations are specified relative to a fixed base URL.
SoundLoader Describe class SoundLoader here.
SoundPlayer Describe class SoundPlayer here.

Package net.sourceforge.pavlov.randommedia Description

This package is used to programmatically retrieve media objects from filesystem directories and JAR files.